ISOLTRAP collaboration
MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
University of Greifswald, Institute of Physics,
Greifswald, Germany
CSNSM, Orsay, France
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Deparment
of Physics, Cambridge, USA
GSI, Atomic Physics Group, Darmstadt, Germany
TU Dresden,
Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Dresden, Germany
The ISOLDE Collaboration
Geneva, Switzerland
P. Ascher, CENBG
D. Atanasov, CERN
G. Audi, CSNSM
D. Beck, GSI
K. Blaum, MPIK
G. Bollen, NSCL
R.B. Cakirli, Istanbul University
S. Eliseev, MPIK
S. George, MPIK Heidelberg
F. Herfurth, GSI
A. Herlert, FAIR
W. J. Huang,
MPIK Heidelberg
J. Karthein, MIT
H.-J. Kluge, GSI/Heidelberg
I. Kulikov, GSI
Minaya-Ramirez, IPN Orsay
Yu. A. Litvinov, GSI
D. Lunney, CSNSM
V. Manea, KU
M. Mougeot, MPIK Heidelberg
D. Neidherr, GSI
L. Nies, CERN/University of
M. Rosenbusch, RIKEN
L. Schweikhard, University of Greifswald
F. Wienholtz,
TU Darmstadt
R. Wolf, ARC, University of Sydney
K. Zuber, TU Dresden